JM Brierly Promoted to Legacy Vice President

Industry veteran JM Brierly has been promoted to Vice President of Legacy Telecommunications, LLC.  Brierly has served as the Branch Manager of the Eastern, WA for the wireless infrastructure, RF solutions, standby power and remote services firm for the past 5 years.   Mr. Brierly has been a true leader within Legacy Telecommunications for theContinued

More Than Tower Climbers

Legacy is excited to be a part of this industry advancement. Join us in the movement to improve safety and display how we are all more than just, tower climbers.    

Give Honor To Whom Honor Is Due

    LEGACY would like Honor and give a Triumphant Salute to those who have served wearing the uniform of bravery in red, white and blue. Some are with us and some paid the ultimate sacrifice before they could be honored in person, but for every single one, we thank you!   “Freedom is neverContinued

FirstNet contract awarded

In a formal ceremony at the U.S. Department of Commerce on Thursday, the FirstNet contract was awarded to AT&T for the nation’s first nationwide wireless broadband network, Inside Towers reported. Several fire/police/EMS officials who spoke said the interactive network will help all first responders connect to their colleagues anywhere; when built, the network will replaceContinued

Celebrating 17 years of business

Today we celebrate Legacy’s 17th anniversary! We would like to thank our team and customers. Without your time and support this would not have been possible.